Przygotowali się na Niedzielę Palmową, zdobyli osiołka, ale z powodu mżawki nie było procesji ale tylko uroczyste wejście. Wielka szkoda, że nie mogą zobaczyć Polski, że nie mogą pojechać na Światowe Dni Młodzieży i poznać innych młodych i zaangażowanych młodych...
Cieszę się bardzo, że ich tu poznałam!
More and more admire the group of youth from our parish. They haven't got nobody older as a leader, parish father only from time to time can be with them, becasue has a lot of work. They choose leader among themself, but in fact decisions take all the group. They are involved in the parish life... There is a lot of humilty and patient in them - how much I can learn from them!
They have prepared for the Palm Sunday, theygot the donkey, but because of drizzle it wasn't procession but just solemn entrance. It's a pity, that they can see Poland, that they can't go there for Yout Days and see others involved in the life of Church youth...
I'm happy that I could meet them here!
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